Golf hotel 1938 – Tee 1

Hoteliers from Marienbad 1930

Rules of Marienbad Golf Club from 1905

Winner of European Team Golf Championchip 1993 – Wales

English King Edward VII. 21. 8. 1905

Golf Course Inauguration 21. 8. 1905

Winner of St. Andrews Trophy 2006 – Great Britain &NI

Czech Open 1937 – Henry Cotton (Hole 7)

Czech Open 1935 – Henry Cotton

King and Queen

Closing Ceremony of St. Andrews Trophy 2006

Hole Nr. 1 - This is our HiStory

Rory McIlroy – St. Andrews Trophy 2006

Meeting of Legends – Probyn, Ballesteros, Langer

Generality of the World Golf in Marienbad